Investment Banking: What It Is, What Investment Bankers Do (2024)

What Is Investment Banking?

Investment banking is a type of banking that organizes large, complex financial transactions such as mergers or initial public offering (IPO) underwriting. These banks may raise money for companies in a variety of ways, including underwriting the issuance of new securities for a corporation, municipality, or other institution. They may manage a corporation's IPO. Investment banks also provide advice in mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations.

In essence, investment bankers are experts who have their fingers on the pulse of the current investment climate. They help their clients navigate the complex world of high finance.

Key Takeaways

  • Investment banking deals primarily with raising money for companies, governments, and other entities.
  • Investment banking activities include underwriting new debt and equity securities for all types ofcorporations.
  • Investment banks will also facilitatemergers and acquisitions,reorganizations,and broker trades for institutions and private investors.
  • Investment bankers work with corporations, governments, and other groups. They plan and manage the financial aspects of large projects.
  • Investment banks were legally separated from other types of commercial banks in the United States from 1933 to 1999, when the Glass-Steagall Act that segregated them was repealed.

Investment Banking: What It Is, What Investment Bankers Do (1)

Understanding Investment Banking

Investment banksunderwrite new debt and equity securities for all types ofcorporations, aid in the sale of securities, and help facilitatemergers and acquisitions,reorganizations,and broker trades for institutions and private investors. Investment banks also provide guidance to issuers regarding the offering and placement of stock.

Many large investment banking systemsare affiliated with or subsidiaries of larger banking institutions, and many have become household names, the largest being Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and Deutsche Bank.

Broadly speaking, investment banks assist in large, complicated financial transactions. They may provide advice on how much a company is worth and how best to structure a deal if the investment banker's client is considering an acquisition, merger, or sale. Investment banks' activities also may include issuing securities as a means of raising money for the client groups and creating the documentation for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) necessary for a company to go public.

Investment banks employ investment bankers who help corporations, governments, and other groups plan and manage large projects, saving their clients time and money by identifying risks associated with the project before the client moves forward.

In theory, investment bankers are experts who have their finger on the pulse of the current investing climate, so businesses and institutions turn to investment banks for advice on how best to plan their development, as investment bankers can tailor their recommendations to the present state of economic affairs.

Regulation and Investment Banking

The Glass-Steagall Act was passed in 1933 after the 1929 stock market crash led to massive bank failures. The purpose of the law was to separate commercial and investment banking activities. The mixing of commercial and investment banking activities was considered very risky and may have worsened the 1929 crash. This is because, when the stock market crashed, investors rushed to draw their money from banks to meet margin calls and for other purposes, but some banks were unable to honor these requests because they too had invested their clients' money in the stock market.

Before Glass-Steagall was passed, banks could divert retail depositors' funds into speculative operations such as investing in the equity markets. As such operations became more lucrative, banks took larger and larger speculative positions, eventually putting depositors' funds at risk.

However, the stipulations of the act were considered harsh by some in the financial sector, and Congress eventually repealed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 thus eliminated the separation between investment and commercial banks. Since the repeal, most major banks have resumed combined investment and commercial banking operations.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) Underwriting

Essentially, investment banks serve as middlemen between a company and investors when the company wants to issue stock or bonds. The investment bank assists with pricing financial instruments to maximize revenue and with navigating regulatory requirements.

Often, when a company holds its IPO, an investment bank will buy all or much of that company's shares directly from the company. Subsequently, as a proxy for the company launching the IPO, the investment bank will sell the shares on the market. This makes things much easier for the company itself, as it effectively contracts out the IPO to the investment bank.

Moreover, the investment bank stands to make a profit, as it will generally price its shares at a markup from what it initially paid for them. In doing so, italso takes on a substantial amount of risk. Although experienced analysts use their expertise to accurately price the stock as best they can, the investment bank can lose money on the deal if it turns out that it has overvalued the stock, as in this case, it will often have to sell the stock for less than it initially paid for it.

Example of Investment Banking

Suppose that Pete's Paints Co., a chain supplying paints and other hardware, wants to go public. Pete, the owner, gets in touch with José, an investment banker working for a larger investment banking firm. Pete and José strike a deal wherein José (on behalf of his firm) agrees to buy 100,000 shares of Pete's Paints for the company's IPO at the price of $24 per share, a price at which the investment bank's analysts arrived after careful consideration.

The investment bank pays $2.4 million for the 100,000 shares and, after filing the appropriate paperwork, begins selling the stock for $26 per share. However, the investment bank is unable to sell more than 20% of the shares at this price and is forced to reduce the price to $23 per share to sell the remaining shares.

For the IPO deal with Pete's Paints, then, the investment bank has made $2.36 million [(20,000 × $26) + (80,000 × $23) = $520,000 + $1,840,000 = $2,360,000]. In other words, José's firm has lost $40,000 on the deal because it overvalued Pete's Paints.

Investment banks often will compete with one another to secure IPO projects, which can force them to increase the price they are willing to pay to secure the deal with the company that is going public. If competition is particularly fierce, this can lead to a substantial blow to the investment bank's bottom line.

Most often, however, there will be more than one investment bank underwriting securities in this way, rather than just one. While this means that each investment bank has less to gain, it also means that each one will have reduced risk.

What Do Investment Banks Do?

Broadly speaking, investment banks assist in large, complicated financial transactions. They may provide advice on how much a company is worth and how best to structure a deal if the investment banker's client is considering an acquisition, merger, or sale. Essentially, their services include underwriting new debt and equity securities for all types of corporations, providing aid in the sale of securities, and helping to facilitate mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and broker trades for both institutions and private investors. They also may issue securities as a means of raising money for the client groups and create the necessary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documentation for a company to go public.

What Is the Role of Investment Bankers?

Investment banks employ people who help corporations, governments, and other groups plan and manage large projects, saving their clients time and money by identifying risks associated with the project before the client moves forward. In theory, investment bankers should be experts who have their finger on the pulse of the current investing climate. Businesses and institutions turn to investment banks for advice on how best to plan their development. Investment bankers, using their expertise, tailor their recommendations to the present state of economic affairs.

What Is an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?

An initial public offering (IPO) refers to the process of offering shares of a private corporation to the public in a new stock issuance. Public share issuance allows a company to raise capital from public investors. Companies must meet requirements set by exchanges and the SEC to hold an IPO. Companies hire investment banks to underwrite their IPOs. The underwriters are involved in every aspect of the IPO due diligence, document preparation, filing, marketing, and issuance.

The Bottom Line

The names of investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley come up frequently in discussions about the financial market, highlighting the importance of these institutions in the financial world. In general, investment banks assist clients with large and complex financial transactions. This includes underwriting new debt and equity securities, aiding in the sale of securities, and helping to facilitate mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and broker trades. Investment banks may help other organizations raise capital by underwriting initial public offerings (IPOs) and creating the documentation required for a company to go public.

I am an expert in the field of investment banking, possessing a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in organizing large, complex financial transactions. My expertise is not only theoretical but also stems from practical experience and a comprehensive knowledge of the industry. Let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article, "What Is Investment Banking?"

Investment Banking Overview: Investment banking is a specialized type of banking that plays a pivotal role in organizing complex financial transactions. The primary functions include underwriting new debt and equity securities, facilitating mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and providing advice on various financial aspects. Investment bankers are crucial in helping clients navigate the intricate world of high finance.

Investment Banking Activities: Investment banks engage in a range of activities such as underwriting new securities, managing IPOs, and advising on mergers and acquisitions. They work with corporations, governments, and other entities, assisting in the financial aspects of large projects. Noteworthy investment banks include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and Deutsche Bank.

Regulation and Investment Banking: The Glass-Steagall Act, enacted in 1933, separated commercial and investment banking activities to mitigate risks associated with speculative operations. However, the act was repealed in 1999 through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, leading to the resumption of combined investment and commercial banking operations by major banks.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) Underwriting: Investment banks act as intermediaries between companies and investors during an IPO. They assist in pricing financial instruments, navigating regulatory requirements, and often purchase shares directly from the company before selling them on the market. While this process facilitates IPOs for companies, it also exposes investment banks to significant risks, as demonstrated in the example involving Pete's Paints Co.

Example of Investment Banking: The hypothetical scenario with Pete's Paints Co. illustrates the investment banking process in an IPO. The investment bank, represented by José, agrees to buy shares from the company, sets a price, and later sells the shares on the market. The profit or loss depends on how accurately the bank values the stock.

Role of Investment Bankers: Investment bankers play a crucial role in helping corporations, governments, and other entities plan and manage large projects. Their expertise allows them to identify risks associated with projects, ultimately saving clients time and money. Businesses and institutions seek advice from investment banks for strategic planning tailored to the current economic climate.

What Is an Initial Public Offering (IPO)? An IPO refers to the process of offering shares of a private corporation to the public, enabling the company to raise capital from public investors. Investment banks are hired to underwrite IPOs, being involved in various aspects such as due diligence, document preparation, filing, marketing, and issuance.

Conclusion - The Bottom Line: Investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are prominent players in the financial market, emphasizing their importance. These institutions assist clients in large and complex financial transactions, including underwriting securities, aiding in the sale of securities, facilitating mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and broker trades. Investment banks also contribute to raising capital through underwriting IPOs and creating documentation for companies to go public.

Investment Banking: What It Is, What Investment Bankers Do (2024)


Investment Banking: What It Is, What Investment Bankers Do? ›

Investment bankers help their corporate clients secure funds in the capital markets, act as financial advisors, and occasionally help companies navigate mergers and acquisitions. Investment banker positions vary from entry-level to high-level executive.

What exactly do investment bankers do? ›

Investment bankers are financial advisors to corporations and, in some cases, to governments. They help their clients raise money. That may mean issuing stock shares, floating a bond issue, negotiating the acquisition of a rival company, or arranging the sale of the company itself.

What is the role of investment banking? ›

In essence, investment banks are a bridge between large enterprises and the investor. Their primary roles are to advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges and to help them procure financing, whether it be from stock offerings, bond issues, or derivative products.

Do investment bankers make a lot of money? ›

Can you become a millionaire as an investment banker? It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy. Investment bankers typically earn salaries in the $200,000 to $700,000 range, with bonuses that can bring their total income up to several million dollars per year.

Is it hard to be a investment banker? ›

Investment banking is one of Wall Street's most coveted roles. It is also one of the hardest. It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers.

Do investment bankers make 500k a year? ›

As an associate, compensation rises significantly. The next level up is Vice President, which can make upwards of 500k. Highest on the food chain is the Managing Director, who makes anywhere from 500k to several million dollars. Investment banking associates are typically hired after business school.

Why are investment bankers paid so much? ›

“Why investment banking” is not a hard question for many for this reason. Investment bankers make money through the fees charged to their clients. As discussed above, this includes underwriting fees for arranging the sale of securities and advisory fees for providing strategic guidance.

What do investment bankers do on a daily basis? ›

Investment bankers meet with clients, send emails, prepare offers, conduct financial projections, work on signing new clients to the company, providing initial public offerings (IPOs), and mergers and acquisitions. These are some of the tasks an investment banker must do on a daily or weekly basis.

How do investment bankers make money? ›

Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs. Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

What is investment banking in simple words? ›

Investment banking is essentially a financial service provided by a finance company or a banking division to help large multinational corporations in their investment plans. Along with large companies and organisations, this service also helps high net worth individuals and governments to raise or create capital.

Do investment bankers make 7 figures? ›

Investment Banking Managing Director Salary + Bonus: Base salaries are in the mid-six-figure range, with total compensation in the high six figures to low seven figures. An MD doing decently should earn between $1 and $3 million per year, and sometimes a low multiple of that (as of 2022).

What degree is needed for investment banking? ›

Earn a Finance Degree

According to Simmerman, investment banking jobs typically require a minimum of a bachelor's degree in finance or a related field, such as a bachelor's in accounting or a bachelor's in business administration.

Can an average person become an investment banker? ›

Becoming an investment banker requires several years of higher education in addition to licensure. It also requires strong mathematical and analytical capabilities, which may be challenging for some people. In addition to a bachelor's degree, investment bankers may need a master's in finance or an M.B.A.

Do investment bankers have a good life? ›

In the high-stakes and fast-paced world of finance, the work-life balance of Investment Bankers often teeters on a fine line. Known for their grueling hours and the high-pressure environment of financial markets, Investment Bankers are frequently at the mercy of market fluctuations and client demands.

Why is it so hard to get a job in investment banking? ›

Investment banking recruiting is an extremely competitive process, so you'll want to do whatever you can to stand out during the recruitment process. Banks value the quality of your job experience, and the quality of your schools attended, and how hard you network or “hustle” for the role.

What are the three main functions of an investment banker? ›

An investment banker performs three basic functions: underwriting, distributing, and advising.

How do investment bankers get money? ›

Proprietary trading is an effort to make profits by trading the firm's own capital. Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs. Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

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